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My job,
my passion


Fascinated from an early age by books, words, dictionaries, languages and writing, I have been lucky enough to be able to combine all that and make it my job.

I have been a freelance translator since 1991.  

Language studies, a course at the ESIT, a postgraduate diploma (DEA) focussing on English and economics, an internship at the Heidelberg Institute of Translators and Interpreters in Germany, employment in London – my journey has allowed me to work in a profession I love.

However, my life is not just limited to this passion-profession: a mother of three children, I am a keen hiker and love reading and travelling.

Agnès Flandin 130, rue Pierre Brossolette F-91700 Sainte Geneviève des Bois

TVA intracommunautaire : FR66383282811

© 2019 by Agnès Flandin

Photos : Burst, Pixabay


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